As an extrovert, I was always reluctant to go on solo journeys,

clouds of loneliness circling above my head whenever I would consider one. After ushering in a new year with my family at the Bandhavgarh Reserve, I decided to take the plunge. I hitchhiked to Khajuraho, walked across town on foot and went outside my comfort space to document a slice of life in the land of erotic sculptures.

Going solo to Khajuraho was a challenge. At times, I didn’t know what to do and who to talk to. But it also gave me the time and space to think and listen to stories abound in the town.

Take a walk with me through the Land of Kamasutra.

The children of Khajuraho enjoying time off from school and being curious, as children everywhere are.

Khajuraho is like a chameleon. It shows itself in different colors depending on what you are looking for.



Pizza, Popcorn, and Pictures sum up a perfect day for Amrit. At 21, he is due to graduate college next year as a computer engineer but loves to tell a story through images whenever he is on the go with a pinch of hard-hitting salt. See more of Amrit’s images on his Instagram or read through his anecdotes on Medium